Oh the things I wish I could add to my résumé…

If only I could add some of the following to my résumé…

  • Multitasking by making dinners for the week, doing laundry, finding a hidden puzzle piece etc. all at the same time
  • Ability to drink caffeine all day and night and it wouldn’t prevent me from falling asleep
  • Managed to find son’s binkie in under three seconds (it is lost what seems like ever other minute)
  • Washed more bottles than I will ever be able to count
  • Pumped a zillion gallons of breast milk
  • Summarize most Dr. Seuss books in less than two sentences
  • Could also discuss Dr. Seuss books in great length and how clever the stories are in explaining very important life lessons
  • Ability to function on little to know sleep (see how I didn’t mention how well I function or if my brain always is operating at 100%)

This list could go and on but you get the point. Not sure how my job search will actually turn out, but I know that I’m definitely sharpen my skills. If being a master binkie finder ever becomes a necessary job skill, I will add it right away to my résumé. For the time being, I will just be happy that I can actually find the missing binkies.



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