Not enough hours in the day

I have decided there aren’t enough hours in the day. I just think I could get so much more done if there were 10 extra hours in the day. Well, I think that would solve all my problems but somehow, I think if I had a 34 hour day, I probably would want even more hours.

I think the real issue is that sometimes I am just so exhausted. It’s hard to be as productive and efficient when you are juggling so many balls at once. I try not to be  hard on myself, but I guess I wish I could be a “supermom” sometimes. I want to devote more time to my blog, but I also know I need sleep. I know that everything will fall into place sooner or later, but I know it is so hard job hunting on top of everything else.

At the end of the day, my top priorities are always my dudes. Spending time with them is priority number 1. It just makes my day to see them smiling and laughing. They are just so much fun. Also, I know someday they probably won’t want to spend time with me or they might be busy with all of their activities etc.

For now, I am going to work on prioritizing the time I do have, and I am going to work on not being so hard on myself when I don’t get as much done as I would like. Sands of time

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