Early bird catches the worm

I am not a morning person by nature. I have used this as a crutch for a long time. I now know that just because you aren’t something naturally, does not mean you can’t accomplish your goals. It doesn’t mean you can let your mind win.

What exactly do I mean by this statement? Some might say I must be a morning person because I get up at 5am (today at 4:50am) to run in the morning.

It isn’t my ideal scenario but I make it work. I like having time before the world wakes up to get a run in and just do my thing. I get to accomplish something, give myself the self care I need and get ready all before my family wakes up. My boys have to be on the bus a little after 7:40am as well so if I want to get a run in, doing it early guarantees it will happen.

I challenge you to try it. It might be awful in the beginning as you get used to it, but it transforms into something amazing. I no longer wake up tired. I really think it has more to do with exercising regularly than it does with sleeping. If you don’t believe me, try it yourself.

Living your life isn’t about thinking or willing yourself to do something. It is about cultivating that fire within so doing because the driving force. Life is too short to put your dreams off for another day.

Seriously, I am Not a Morning Mom. This is my brand. I am not a morning person, but I have forced myself not to give in to this statement. I fight for my self care because I matter. I make lunches the night before and figure out outfits the night before because I don’t want to add more than I have to in the morning.

If labeling yourself something confines you, bust out of the box you have forced yourself in or that others have placed you into.

Prove to yourself that no matter what you are, you are capable of doing great things.

2020 is waiting for you. Are you going to be active or just watch the world go by for what ever reasons you may have not to live your life?

I chose to get up and live today. I will do it tomorrow and the next day too.

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