Social Media

Early bird catches the worm

I am not a morning person by nature. I have used this as a crutch for a long time. I now know that just because you aren’t something naturally, does not mean you can’t accomplish your goals. It doesn’t mean you can let your mind win. What exactly do I mean by this statement? Some might say I […]

First podcast episode is done!

I can’t believe I published my first podcast. I actually did it last night. I have edited it a little since I first published it, but I am just happy that it is out there for the world to listen to it. Now, I just need to organize my podcast schedule along with my social media schedule in […]

Here is my new logo!

        So excited to have my new logo! I painted this pottery at It’s Yours Pottery. The owner Judi was so nice to me. She loved my idea to paint pottery with the name of my website on it. Here it is. Now, I just need to officially add this to my website. If you […]

What is in my parenting toolbox?

I should probably be sleeping now, but I need to get better at posting more often. Yes, I know that I have been flying solo all week with my hubby traveling, but I just felt like I needed to post something interesting. Why did I want a parenting tool box? Well, part of the reason I created this […]

SAHM or Working Mom, Both are Actually Work

Well, I think that I can now speak semi-intelligently about this topic since I have been a SAHM (Stay at Home Mom) for three months now. Wow, it’s been a full three months since I left my job. I really don’t like the terms SAHM or Working Mom because I feel that neither terms are correct. SAHM doesn’t mean […]

Social Media, best friend or worst enemy?

Social media. Can’t live with it, can’t live without it. Well, you can live without it, but you would be out of the “know” on a lot of things. Sometimes I really love it, but I can say it definitely gets to me at times. Last summer, I almost gave it up. My husband and I were house […]