When in doubt, check the garbage

Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a great day. My day actually started off kind of crazy. Well, I am not a morning mom so it always kind of starts off in a bit of a haze, but back to my story. I had misplaced something. Yes, I say misplaced, because I was hopeful I would find it. Well, I was at first. I looked as much as  I could before taking my oldest son to daycare. I didn’t like the fact that I left the house knowing I had not found what I was looking for, but I knew I would have to wait until I got back. Yes, I checked the usually places. I checked the garbage but apparently not well enough.

So the moral of the story is the following parenting tip:

Parenting tip #3 When you think you have lost something, always check the garbage thoroughly first before you go into a full-blown panic

Something told me that I needed to check the garbage again. Not sure why I did because I technically had checked it once, but I am glad I did. I found what I was looking for, and I learned a valuable lesson. Don’t leave anything in a toddler’s reach or it probably will end up in the garbage.

I can picture my oldest son laughing at daycare while he tells his friends and teachers that he threw something in the garbage that I was feverishly searching for this morning. I wonder if I ask him if he put it in the garbage, if he would tell me that he did.

I guess I will add in the following parenting tip below:

Parenting tip #4 Your toddler will mock you by throwing important stuff away. Don’t expect them to ever tell you what they did with your stuff even if you are pretty sure they took it. If they can get their hands on it, it is anyone’s guess what they will do with it.


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