3 years old, Where did the Time Go?

I still can’t believe that my sweet boy is already three years old! I know everyone says they grow up fast but it is totally the truth. He had a blast at his party, and he had a fun birthday trip to Lincoln, Nebraska. Just seeing a big smile on his face made his birthday a blast.  Parenting […]

What is in my parenting toolbox?

I should probably be sleeping now, but I need to get better at posting more often. Yes, I know that I have been flying solo all week with my hubby traveling, but I just felt like I needed to post something interesting. Why did I want a parenting tool box? Well, part of the reason I created this […]

Love is all you need

My Mother’s Day gifts are my sweet boys. Yes, all three of them (counting Dadda). It was a rainy day, but we still had fun. Seeing my youngest smile as he zombie walks across the room is priceless.     My oldest son is becoming such a big boy. He is playing better with his brother each day. I […]

Oh the things I wish I could add to my résumé…

If only I could add some of the following to my résumé… Multitasking by making dinners for the week, doing laundry, finding a hidden puzzle piece etc. all at the same time Ability to drink caffeine all day and night and it wouldn’t prevent me from falling asleep Managed to find son’s binkie in under three seconds (it […]

1+1 > 2 (in parenting)

I think all parents come to this understanding once they have their second child. I love my dudes so much. They are the best gift my husband and I could ask for, and we love how they interact with each other (well, most of the time). Parenting tip #7 Balancing two kids can be challenging at first, but […]

3 months in Omaha

Exactly three months ago, my family and I moved to Omaha, Nebraska. It has been a great experience so far. Omaha is a really cool city. Not sure how this much time has gone by, but I am not complaining. The weather has been really nice. Moving with two kids is stressful, but I will say that the […]

SAHM or Working Mom, Both are Actually Work

Well, I think that I can now speak semi-intelligently about this topic since I have been a SAHM (Stay at Home Mom) for three months now. Wow, it’s been a full three months since I left my job. I really don’t like the terms SAHM or Working Mom because I feel that neither terms are correct. SAHM doesn’t mean […]

Social Media, best friend or worst enemy?

Social media. Can’t live with it, can’t live without it. Well, you can live without it, but you would be out of the “know” on a lot of things. Sometimes I really love it, but I can say it definitely gets to me at times. Last summer, I almost gave it up. My husband and I were house […]

To nap or not to nap? That is the question.

    Well, I never thought I would question where a nap would be a good idea or not. Sleep is always good, right? I mean, if your child will take a nap, you should let them? If someone told me to take a nap, I would take one without question. This was always my school of thought […]