» Allison

When in doubt, check the garbage

Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a great day. My day actually started off kind of crazy. Well, I am not a morning mom so it always kind of starts off in a bit of a haze, but back to my story. I had misplaced something. Yes, I say misplaced, because I was hopeful I would […]

It Takes a Village

I understand this concept, but I don’t know exactly how to get my village started here in Omaha, Nebraska. I probably need to have more patience. I know my village doesn’t have to be all local, but I guess I didn’t realize how hard it can be not knowing people. I will keep working on it, but I […]

Home Sweet Home

Hard to believe it has been over two months since my family moved to Nebraska. It definitely has been an adventure moving with two kids. They really have been troopers, though. Change is tiring, but I think it has also been exciting. It has been stressful as well. I enjoy being home with my dudes, but I wish […]

Make it fun

If you are anything like me, you get wrapped up in trying to do things just right for the kids. I have realized that parenting is not all about finding the latest and greatest Pinterest pin with the most intricate craft. (Although if you do, more power to you.) Parenting Tip #2 Focus on fun, not perfection Today […]

Double Stroller Heaven

It has arrived! The Chicco Cortina Together double stroller. My hubby bid for it on EBay, and he won. It is brand new. I had looked on Craiglist, but I didn’t find one that would be compatible with our infant car seat. I think my world might be forever changed by this device. Parenting Tip #1 Don’t buy […]

WordPress is like parenting

You don’t always know what you are doing, but you keep trying until you figure out what works best for you. You can always try to have a “plan” but sometimes things just don’t happen the way you expect. I learned that there isn’t always a plan when my first son was born. He ended up being five […]

First blog post

Starting a blog is hard work! I am hoping this blog will offer great parenting resources. Additionally, I plan on sharing amusing stories along the way. No April fool’s jokes from me today. Here is a place where you can find great parenting resources. My plan is to reference these resources in my blog posts. https://flipboard.com/@alli_lewis/parenting-%26-kids-07n53g9py